Hyperbole is the BEST thing ever
Ambiguity - What happens in Vagueness, stays in Vagueness
Spell Czech
Pluto, Revolve In Peace 1930- 2006
I’m no rocket surgeon
Mole problems, just call 602-1023
Beethoven, the original Deaf Jam
I avoid clichés like the plague
Nietzsche - Just doubt it
Friends don't let friends derive drunk
Homonyms - are a reel waist of thyme
Scuba diving, keep your friends close and your anemones closer
The Constitution - I read it for the articles
An Apple a Day- will leave you 4 servings short of your daily fruit requirements
Fibonacci, it’s as easy as 1,1,2,3
When life gives you scurvy, make lemonade
Archeologists will date any old thing
World Physics Society Family Reunion - be the half-life of the party!
You say tomato, I say tomato (it just doesn't make sense when you read it...)
Other things I have done lately (I am understanding this is chemo brain):
I went to take two Advils... put two of them in the bottom of a cup, filled it up with water. Realized my mistake right away!
Was helping unpack groceries, and put a quart of milk in the unrefrigerated pantry. Not in the refrigerator. Didn't notice it until a week later. What do you know, milk explodes after about a week at room temperature. And when it explodes, it smells terrible....
Spelling is atrocious. I put on a list of things to get in the future - handwaits