Of course, the offer had to be decided upon within hours and faxed back right away, rushing around getting e-mails printed, Mike to sign, talking to the realtor, and then, the counter offer, and the second counter offer. They called us, the fax machine only sent eleven and a half pages back. Yes ma'am, we received everything except the half page you signed. You can’t think up these things, they are too bizarre to be true.
This is the process of simplifying our lives, that’s the positive way to look at it according to Mike. Selling his dad’s home and one apartment in the space of five days.
Book lunch was at L’s yesterday. So when do you tell people? There were nine of us, do you blurt it out as each arrives, stay quiet until the end, when? And how do you say it, because it isn’t a one minute conversation with people you care about. I waited. We discussed Solar by Ian McEwan. One thought brought out was the phrase “Perception is reality”, and most of the people there believed that there isn’t absolute truth but truth or reality is what you perceive. I don’t think so. I had cancer the week before I felt the lump. Just because I didn’t perceive this tumor, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. But they would argue, it didn’t exist to YOU. I’m definitely more of the scientific mind.
So at one point I told everyone, I have news and I don’t know how to say it so I will just say it. I have breast cancer, which is caught so early. Of our fourteen women in Booklunch, four now have had breast cancer. WOW! J, B, and B. They were very supportive, encouraging. B said that so much good will happen during the healing process that you will feel kindness and compassion you never thought you would receive from others. She said she saw her husband in a whole different light, as he was so loving through her recovery.
Then one person said she was going to a dinner Monday night called “Loose the booby”, of a friend of hers who has Stage 0 of the cancer I have, and she is having a mastectomy because she just doesn’t want to worry about it ever again. Wow. It was wonderful to talk about success stories.
Then I went into the baseball office, gathered everyone around the conference table and told them the news. They are all so young, age thirty and under, that they have no idea how to react. They were so kind. I want to inspire them to care for other people. Savor every day. Don’t waste time stalled. And it isn’t the words you say, it is the caring attitude you have. They asked, What can WE do to help. I told them to ask me how I’m doing, don’t hesitate to ask, but that my life is so much more than whatever cancer thing I’m dealing with, so I will laugh and be interested in their teams and in life!
The radiologist said Thursday, at the end of our conversation, out of the blue, that I will be an inspiration to others now. Yes, she said that as I stood up to leave, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, You will be an inspiration to others. Don't feel much like one now, but I know in my mind that one day I will again laugh and chuckle and be peaceful. I know that. I just don't feel that.
Then home, and to dinner with J and B at Luma’s, our normal Friday night thing after Mike and B take a golf lesson. It was so comforting. Okay, everyone’s reaction to my news is different. She offered to take me to any appointment. Mike went with me to the biopsy, which was the right choice. But that is such a show of wanting to help. No one likes going to doctor's offices. It was a good dinner, I just crave being with people and talking.
Then this morning, thank goodness for L who got a tennis game together. I love getting the exercise, want to get exhausted every day so I fall in bed tired at night. Want to get in better shape. Want to boost up the immune system.
Of course, the offer had to be decided upon within hours and faxed back right away, rushing around getting emails printed, Mike to sign, talking to the realtor, and then, the counter offer, and the second counter offer. And the fax machine only sent 11 ½ of 12 pages back. Yes ma'am, we received everything except the half page you signed. You can’t think up these things, they are too bizarre to be true.
This is the process of simplifying our lives, that’s the positive way to look at it according to Mike. Selling his dad’s home and one apartment in the space of 5 days.
On that note, I stopped at Whole Foods after lunch, got some Greens Plus Super Food which is lots of greens in a capsule. And Chlorophyll and some Yogi Tea that’s for upset stomachs and also Aloe Vera. I need to get the Gastric Reflux under control. Am drinking lemon, honey and hot water 3 times a day. My voice is still hoarse and my throat is sore. This has been going on for years.
Organic meats and dairy, vegetables and fruit. Today was my first day without coffee. Its Day 4 of no estrogen, Day 1 of no coffee. No soda (which was maybe one time a week) and adding one yogurt every day. Pulling out all the stops. I probably should investigate more homeopathic things, and get an appointment with M (homeopathic practitioner both Mike and I went to when he first learned he had lymphoma 17 years ago.)
A peaceful evening with Mike, me cooking. Can I forget about all this for a few hours? Here’s hoping….
Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. — Henri Nouwen