I have been asking cancer survivors I happen to be in conversation with, how has cancer changed you?
Dear friend reading this, you know that from the beginning I knew cancer would be used by God for good in my life. Redirection. I want to learn the lessons, make the changes, and live life to the fullest. I want to embrace all God has set out for me on my path.
So what were their answers? (I paraphrased some of their words)
1. Surround myself with reminders that Jesus is my Lord and King and He is in control. Wear a cross my daughter gave me, read devotionals on line, look for Him. Work with Christians. Ask where can I help others see that God is alive and working in their lives.
2. Look for people, events, places that nourish my soul.
3. Try to go to mass every day. Look for ways to inspire others.
4. Encourage others. Be God's hands to show love. And don't stress out over it, God will show me what he wants me to do. Also, be gentle on myself, enjoy every day.
5. Realize that God's timing isn't always my timing. He is in control.
6. Spend more time alone, in prayer, reading. Start my day, every day, reading the Bible and praying.
7. Surround myself with positive people, uplifting people and fun teams of people.
8. Always have accountability, usually to a Bible Study group.
9. Do something every day that is fun, that makes me laugh.
10. I have been redirected to “pay it forward” (the blessings I have received) back out into the universe in any way that I can.
11. I realized just how much I wanted to live, and the appreciation for what I still do have in my life. I will no longer sweat the small stuff and I am now determined that no matter what it will be okay. I will make the most of everyday and appreciate everything and everyone in it no matter how small it might be. I am determined to become the positive person that I was so many years ago. I will let nothing take that from me again.
12. Cancer forced me to focus on myself, something that was not even in my vocabulary. Yes, we all could and should walk that extra mile to help someone else in need, but not at the expense of your own health and well being.
13. I no longer say yes when I want to say no.
14. I count my blessing each and every day.
15. I have a renewed focus on God, meditation, and journaling. I want to be sure I don’t “stuff” my feelings through this process, and stay out of fear-based thinking.