Dear all my friends,
I walked in the door from a perfect dinner out, carrying a pair of boxing gloves, a gift from two outrageously gracious and dynamite cancer survivors, and their two strong, compassionate and loving caregiver husbands. Because this is a fight that will be WON!
I've gotten a postcard from a friend visiting Vietnam, that tells of their custom of breaking the rear view mirrors on a motorcycle, because you don't want to see the past that is behind you, you MOVE ON...
We had movie night for my birthday, with Mack, Tray, Corey, and T coordinating to bring in a pizza, eat popcorn and chocolate, and watch a movie on DVD (Up in the Air.) I've gotten a stack of Johnny Depp movies in the mail (evidently Mike has a cousin who swears this brings any women out of a blue day.)
Your cards (one from Prague) and e-mails are the best. I keep them in my willow basket, and read them when I need them. I ADORE the orchids, each blossom is someone looking at me with smiles. A book of quotes (HA! Who guessed I liked quotes!) Dr. Love's Breast Book (I understand that is her real name.) An assortment of cheeses and crackers, a pillow to cuddle at chemo, a candle of fresh scent. A journal that asks you, what gave you comfort and joy today. Phone calls and visits, especially with cancer survivors. I love to see your energy and positiveness. And voice messages and texts from all friends, offering to do anything, and that you are on my side. You all are so cool!
I'm getting ready for Chemo #1 tomorrow, Tuesday, at 1:45 PM. Exercise this morning, brief staff meeting at the baseball office, lunch full of me asking two friends who know from experience all the details I wanted to hear, acupuncture, prayer for healing and thanking for healing, that which we see and that which we will see, got a pedicure, then dinner out. And drinking water, water, water...
Some thoughts follow, and if you are bored by now, just stop. That's fine, I'll never know!
Thought number 1: You know, the phrase "God doesn't ever give you more than you can handle" isn't totally correct. I think it should read, "God doesn't ever give you more than HE can handle, through you." . Makes so much more sense to me. Have to keep in close touch with Him, which is the verse He gave me in the parking lot of the Radiologist's office two months ago - Be still and know that I am GOD... Psalm 46.
Thought number 2: Mike and I thank you so much for your prayers, for me, and for him. Mike as you all know finished treatment for lymphoma the day before my biopsy. He is doing great. So while you are praying for my continued healing, could you add Mike too. Healing together, a two-for-one special!
Thought number 3: If you want some suggestions for prayer, here some are:
- thank Jesus for all his promises of healing, and that He fulfills His promises, that is just what He does
- ask Jesus to continue to heal my body completely of cancer. and Mike's too. thank Him for the healing we see and the healing we will be seeing
- that Jesus help me to be consistently concrete in believing I am healed. (I think of Hebrews' Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Help my faith increase and grow stronger. )
- ask that the chemo Tuesday scurry around and zap up every cell that shouldn't be there. As Jesus' blood has washed away all our stains (that was D's thought, I like it)
- Ask that Jesus protect the healthy cells. And the nausea be minimal if at all.
- may I see any side effect as proof I am in the process of healing
- May Jesus guide the nurses and doctors hands so all the procedures do what they should, and they make correct decisions
- May I feel God's presence as I sit getting chemo, that His loving arms will be holding me, and I will lay back and know He is totally in control and I am safe
- May Mike's and my every word and action be witnesses to the peace that passes all understanding, We will not be afraid, for through Jesus we are more than conquerors.
- That if we experience any fear, we lift it up to Jesus, and He will take it away and replace it with His presence
- May we thank Jesus in this, Praise Him in this Storm (from Casting Crowns not my phrase, but its a good one)
- May we accept joy and comfort from those around us
I am trying my hardest to stay upbeat. I do feel pretty upbeat. A little afraid, which I think is normal. If I weren't a little afraid I would think I were totally devoid of a brain. Overall, I am not feeling much, which is even better. Still numb to the dimensions of the tasks ahead. I will take it as it comes.
Thank you for your prayers.
LOVE YA, sara
Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10