Thursday, July 8, 2010

Email out after Chemo week

Dear all,

I feel like a person again, what a great feeling! The past week was really really interesting.


Executive summary of the week: God was healing me, doctors and medicines were right there on the front line, friends' meals and gifts and kind words and smiles were supplying the army, and all of your prayers were the solid ground on which this was all happening. I was just trying to cooperate with the healing.  To get out of the way and cooperate.

There were some amazingly humorous moments. The steroids they give you at the time of chemo to prevent inflammation, also hype you up. Yes, imagine me hyped up. Sitting at the dining table the night of chemo, drumming my fingers on the table. Couldn't stop drumming my fingers.  Now do you feel empathy for Mike?

Then two days later, you sleep. All day. Wow, I have not napped since I was a baby, and I slept maybe twenty hours a day several days in a row. Wimbledon was on, and I learned you can enjoy listening to tennis with your eyes closed, dozing off. The 'clop' of them hitting the ball is very meditative.

I have discovered and love channel 434, its the soothing meditative spa music channel. If you had told me a year ago that I would someday intentionally put that channel on the television, I would have laughed and laughed. But I love it, the flutes, the ocean waves, the rain sticks.  Mike listened all weekend long as well.

Mike is an angel. He let me set the rhythm of the days. And nights. He asked me what he could get me, and how did I feel. All the time. And we played Scrabble, in our 'home network' because now we both have IPADS! He never let me win.

Dear friends, your prayers are as solid as the chair I am sitting on now. They mean so much, especially when you are up in the middle of the night, your body feeling like you have been partying for five days straight and your mind not able to stop.

I have found a fantastic website for anyone who is in the healing mode, it is a local Episcopalian Church which has a healing ministry too. I downloaded some to my IPAD. I particularly like Jim Holbeck's sermons.

It is so so neat the people that dropped in or dropped off food / gifts at random times (but it was God's timing)... How comforting to sit and listen to friends say 'you are doing great', or to laugh over silly stuff. I am asking cancer victors all sorts of questions about how they do it, I want to set myself up for success. I want to cooperate with the healing.

Now, when I am not listening to Channel 434 or to sermons, I've been listening to Lifesong album by Casting Crowns. I pass on two songs for you, if you are interested.

The first one is PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM, which is pretty self explanatory....

The second is LIFESONG which has been on my IPOD playlist since day one of IPOD. Its another way of saying what Jim Holbeck said earlier this week - God, heal me that I might do your will, to your glory, for the rest of my life.

Isn't it great when others can verbalize what you are thinking?

Lifesong by Casting Crowns

Empty hands held high
Such small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You

Your prayers and support as absolutely amazing. Mike and I couldn't be doing this without any of you... What an amazing adventure.

Two weeks to build up, next chemo is July 20....

I send out so so many thanks and hugs and appreciation.


Much love, sara