Someone said this ride would be a roller coaster, and it is already! Quite an adventure...
I have gained such confidence, strength and joy from each of you. The words, hugs, e-mails, lunches, cards, Words with Friends, and dinners are priceless. Just priceless.
I am just soaking in all your kindnesses. You know, so many folks we see each day have a fragile corner of their heart, which sometimes they share and sometimes they don't. We each have the opportunity to encourage and spread joy and show kindness and be a small part of their healing. So my lesson I have learned, treat everyone as precious and immortal.
C.S. Lewis says in his book, The Weight of Glory, that there are no "ordinary people." We are all immortal, our souls will live on forever. There are things that have a time limit like nations, machines, books, art. But people, the part of us that is unseen, our souls, will never die. We are either "immortal horrors or everlasting splendors." Makes you look at time with friends differently, doesn't it?
I just have to attach the photo of the wig. This place was FANTASTIC... Ritzy Rags on 17-92 just north of Marks St. It is where both transvestites and chemo patients, among others, go for gorgeous wigs. You don't have to curl it, cut it.... and lets face it, you never experience a bad hair day.
Also, I have found an acupuncturist at Still Waters Healing in Maitland (thank you D and L) who is phenomenal. My left arm can be totally raised above my head now (they took out nodes in that armpit area)... so well that I could serve normally this morning playing tennis.
The medical schedule - I am getting a port put in my right arm in six days, Tuesday June 22. Chemo starts a week later on June 29. I have focused the past week on building up strength and endurance. Went to the dentist. Trying to exercise lots, add more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds to my diet. And for some reason I have been cooking up a storm. Loving it.
This weekend Mike and I are going to the beach for a celebration of... well... everything.
I know I have messed up the phenomenal meal schedule B set up, and I am sorry. We didn't know chemo would be a reality. I have cut and pasted the schedule below. You can sign up on the website or just e-mail me if you can't get the website to work. These are soooo appreciated. We will add August and September once we see that the chemo is on schedule.
That's all the news for now.
Sending hugs to you all, sara
"whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'" (Isaiah 30:21)
Some Responses:
Mike to Sara
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
B to Sara
Hi Sara,
I just got your e-mail today. I was released from Physical Therapy this past Saturday after over two weeks in the hospital. I just can't tell you how glad I was to get out of there.

I appreciate everyone who kept me in their prayers. I definitely experienced something that was nothing short of a miracle after being transferred to rehab. The pain in my side was like someone held a red hot poker there each time I tried to sit or stand. The pain was so great it was hard not to yell out. The next day I tried to catch up on sleep just to have the Physical Therapist come in and ask me to stand to see what she had to work with. I tried to put her off, but she insisted. I was not looking forward to standing with that pain again, but worked my way to a sitting position and then a standing position. There was NO pain. I walked across the room and back twice and I can't tell you how that happened. I was scared to death that the next time I stood it would return, but I believe God was with me and stayed with me.
I believe in the power of prayer and I will keep you in my prayers each time I think of you, each day. One thing I believe about both of us - WE ARE NOT QUITTERS!! My best wishes and prayers are with you.