Yesterday was a fantastic day... the hair fell out, got a shave and I am a WIG WOMAN now...
I had a blast. Even in the quiet moments of the evening, I was smiling and beaming ear to ear. It was yet another day of God providing all we need, and more...
B called in the morning, wanted to know if I could have lunch. I had JUST called G, asking if I could come to his salon for my head shaving. He told me when I first gave him my news, to call the day my hair started falling out and he would shave it. Save me the trauma of having it fall out. Great idea. B came too. She stood near me, talked with G and I the whole time, laughed, took photos. Then I had planned to mall walk with M, so all three of us did, which allowed us to shop for lipstick for me.
After all this, when I drove away from M's, I called Corey at work and told him to meet me on Morse Boulevard, I wanted him to see my beautiful wig as I had just had a shave. He did, and we laughed and hugged. Five minutes max. So as I was walking to my car, who should be at the stop light but J, who recognized me, pulled over, and we went and had a frozen yogurt to celebrate the shave and wig.
What you need to know is, all three of those women mentioned above are breast cancer survivors.... WOW ... Love that. Living proof of God's grace. And he brings them right into the moments of my day.

I did go up to throw the first pitch in Sanford at 7 PM (got on television) and then was home by 7:30, right to bed. I sat in the dugout during the Home Run Derby with one of my coaches. I was so comfortable just sitting there, watching the players try so hard. They are so young and energetic and their futures so full of stars. I am so short my feet don't touch the ground. I LOVED IT.
Mike was worried about me loosing my hair. For my sake, and that it might remind him of when he lost his hair from total body radiation. He has had so much travel and so many responsibilities. His mother's estate, his father, me... Oh pray for him. My hair was coming out in clumps and I wanted this to be positive not negative. And it was! This loss of hair to me is yet another sign that the chemo is working, it is killing the fast growing cells. YOU KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK CHEMO!
Today shows you- GOD PROVIDES all you need. And Positive Friends are the only ones to have!!!!
It is a little weird to sit and look at me with no hair, I look like an old man. But the wig is pretty darn good. I call my wig Matilda (as in Waltzing Matilda), and maybe I don't look so much like an old man as like ET.
And when I laid down at the end of this day, quietly to go to sleep, I had a big smile on my face.
Some emails recently:
I thought of you our entire vacation as I walked along the beach. This was the place that I always retreated to mentally when things were going bad for me so as I walked, I prayed for all those who are suffering and unable to see the beauty and strength of the ocean.
I was trying to think of a verse to send you that you could use when things were not so good. I constantly looked for God to grant me my strength as I suffered and he never failed in giving me some kind of verse to get me through the day.
2 Corinthians 4: 8-18, Verse 18: So we don’t look at what we see right now, the troubles all around us, but look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.