How did I let my life get so busy?
How do we all as American society let our days be so busy?
We are proud of being busy, it means we are engaged, right there in the river of activity, wanted by many, needed for progress...
But was I TOO busy?
Be still and Know that I am God... Psalm 46
Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved.
In quietness and confidence is your strength... Isaiah 30
It's a balance. It's seasons.
Be busy and bustling and have fun and work on accomplishing goals. Yes, please. Enjoy your day. We are created to make a difference not just take up space. We are created to reflect Glory back to God, and that means we need to be out there. And it is FUN being out there!
But also, be physically and mentally still and reflective so you can listen to your heart and to God's voice.
Mind, body, soul.
We are all three.
We educate the mind. We exercise the body. When do we invigorate our souls?
It's seasons. A little time every day for all three. Then some days more of one that the other two.
My devotional today talked about anxiety, two very practical ways to prevent it.
1. Do not let yourself spend time worrying about the future. If you do, your worries will sprout like mushrooms in the darkness of the unknown. Come back to the present. Come back to Jesus' presence.
2. Whenever you do think about the future, picture Jesus there with you. He will be.
I add a third one.
3. Spend time tending to your soul each day.
I think sometimes I am busy busy busy, so I don't have to stop and listen to my own voice. I am either running away from an issue or trying to prove something.
As a scientist, how much more efficient my days are when I have taken time to ask God to be my guide, and also when I keep in touch with Him all day long.
Slow down and smell the roses.
Boy, the older I get, the more truth I see in cliches.