Here are some of the emailed responses from this week. Thank you all...
You have been in my thoughts and prayers and some of those prayers already have been answered. Amen ! How truly excellent that the infection has been healed and the path to your final chemotherapy (yeah...) is clear. You certainly give praise and thanks to the right source and your faith leads us forward.
Yes,more prayers tonight, knowing all is being guided by the Lord.
Sleep well. And, mazel Tov on your final chemo!
Keep up the great work.. and praise the Lord for your last Chemo!
What a wonderful and powerful day you had. I bet the bring it on attitude is your being grateful and relieved that this is the last one!
I will be praying for you tomorrow! Congratulations!
Praise God, He is Awesome.
Hello Sara: Well it sounds like it IS ALL WORKING for the good YEAH YEAH YEAH
I believe you are spot on when you used the analogy of picking up your boys day after day for the subject of doubt.........I also know that is precisely why the Bible contains doubting Thomas....God knows we are are mere humans and therefore He placed Thomas in the Bible so that we can learn from his many doubting times and also MORE IMPORTANTLY by God accepting Thomas and his "doubting ways" we know God accepts us.......and accepts us with all the frailties we may possess.
You are a strong believer and I know God is working in you and through you for a reason......a reason we may not all fully comprehend until we meet face to face but nonetheless He loves you and is there for you as no one else can be in this world, even sadly our families and loved ones.
With His peace and the power of healing and prayer, may this treatment be the best yet and may your body recover with a resounding yes to all that it has taken in and may every last bloody bad cell be gone and be gone for good.
I send lots of love and good thoughts again as you enter your last treatment. I know you will heal even better this time because you will have the added benefit of having S close at your side to help you through whatever issue may come up in the next few days.
Give yourself a huge hug from me and I hope you feel the positive karma coming your way.
We will all be right beside you tomorrow as the last of any cancer cells are zapped!
Your email was such an encouragement! Thanks!! I'll be praying for your day tomorrow.
I'm back in Vail. We might get the first snow tonight. Not sure if I'm ready for winter!
I'm back in Vail. We might get the first snow tonight. Not sure if I'm ready for winter!
Best of luck tomorrow, Sara! I will offer up my daily mass for you and your seven intentions mentioned above. Just do what you have to do tomorrow ... like you said, "Bring it on!" Write soon and tell us how you are!!!
I can't tell you the late nights I have sat up and read your emails and been so inspired and moved by your faithfulness and strength. S and I are praying for you all the time. I am sorry that I just don't have time to bring you meals or help you out in some other way. But S and I both know the power of prayer as we have seen it in our own lives. And we are witnessing it in yours. There is no greater friend than a praying friend. We look forward to hearing more good news soon. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you,
I can tell the steroids are working! Your enthusiasm is boundless!!! And I love it!!! During your appointment I will be hiking the hills behind my condo. It is so beautiful there. The fall colors are peaking. I will dedicate every step for your well being! As it is not an easy hike, we can enjoy what joy difficulty, can bring!! Sorry I know what you are doing is much more intense, but I'm in a metaphor mood!! I love you very much Sara and only hope for your recovery is sooner than later! Hugs and kisses to you.
Another cliche: Life is a journey. But it is! Your reflection and focus is wonderful.
I'm all over that prayer list just like those "angry birds" for you, Sara!
Praise Him for his patience with us and for His many, many blessings!
Praise Him for his patience with us and for His many, many blessings!
Thanks for the update...I love that u have the "bring it on" attitude! Perfect!! Yep, bring it on and then turn the page on that too long chapter! Yeah, it over! Done!! Finished!!! Hooray!!!! Better chapter ahead! Praise the Lord!
I'm very proud of you for how incredibly well you have handled this crazy "adventure"... you are truly amazing!! (of course I've always know that!)
Please know I have been praying for you and I will continue to do so. I know in my heart that you are surrounded in God's love and strength and he will guide you through #6 with much success!
I will be dropping off dinner on Monday, so perhaps I'll see you then if you are up.
I am up at the house this week doing one last bit of new landscape planting before I stop till the spring.
Thanks for sharing your heart with all of us. My house is quiet just now so I can pray for you with all my heart soul & spirit. I know that this chemo will work powerfully on your body. So glad that you are being nourished at Summit. As my heater warms up the house this morning(it's 46 outside) I will picture the chemo heating & obliterating the cancer cells in you!
May today be filled with untold blessings.
We are with you today in prayer an thought. You are a inspiration to me. God will provide all of your needs today!
I am thinking of you today as I always do every day. Today I know that you are so much closer to crossing home plate than ever before! I will pray that the chemo goes smoothly for you. And with your positive attitude and smile all will be well. B, M and I send much love and hugs from afar,
Good day to you gorgeous. I am so thrilled you are nearing the end of part of this journey. You are and will always be a part of my prayers. I am glad you are feeling better these days and I will be thinking of you as you zap the rest of those little boogers...
I ready your email and wanted to say thank you for sharing. The way you stay so positive really puts a different perspective on life and makes me appreciate what I have a lot more every day. I will pray for you and the specific prayers that you requested. I know you have a wonderful support group around you but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in there for what it is worth. Thank you very much for all the opportunities you have provided for me and I look forward to seeing you in the office in the near future!
I have to say that lunch today meant so much to me. First prayer and then seeing X, both made it very special. X planted a seed in me a very long time ago when I was busy working my way to Heaven. I wrote her a letter in 1998 when my veil was lifted and I was blessed with a personal relationship with Our Savior. It's nice knowing our friendships will last through eternity.

Job 22:21
Acquaint now thy self with him and be at peace,thereby good shall come to thee.
Praying for you.
God bless you my friend You are through Your are through You are through with chemo AMEN
Actually writing that reminded me of that other famous saying, free at last free at last thank God I am free at last........and guess what are free of cancer so that one works too.
Now to be able to put all of this behind you and start living like a "normal" person!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!
so glad for you that your 6 Chemos are history ... no place to go now but up ... been through the valley and only peaks in the future .........
So glad chemo is over for you. Hope the radiation is so easy! It can be nothing but just showing up each day and I pray that is all it is for you!