I have found something I have missed.
My mother had it, I remember.
It has returned to my life and I don't want to loose it again.
Spending just plain ordinary time with people you care about, you love, your family and friends.
I love the visits I've had the past six months. Friends drop in, they chat. Sometimes just standing up at the door or in the kitchen for five minutes because the timing didn't work.
But usually they sit and chat for twenty minutes to an hour or two.
When did I stop dropping in on friends?
When did my visits shift from sitting on the back porch in your bare feet and gym shorts to being all dressed up in a restaurant, makeup on?
When did I become a person who didn't want to bother my friends by dropping in? Do I think they will pretend to want to see me, even if for some reason they can't right then?
Why don't I focus on the positive, and know that friends are always delighted to be with me, and if there is something planned they need to do, then they'll tell me?
We do exercise together, and that's great. Those are hearty moments. Let's bridge those moments into sitting and chatting moments.
I absolutely love it that I, and Mike and I, have had more chance to visit with friends this past six months than probably the last six years. People pop over and if we are able, we just plain sit and chat.
Love it.