Dear all,
Tomorrow morning I meet with Dr. M to decide if I do the sixth chemo or stop at five (which was two weeks ago.) You talk about a choice of yes or no which potentially has long term consequences...
The thought to stop now is that there has been more lingering nerve damage than before. Tingling still in hands and feet, and a sensation of burning down front of left leg that is slowly dissipating. A feeling of tapping on the left heel. And what is called "floppy feet" the first week, when you walk on stairs the feet don't balance correctly. They flop. These show the chemo is working well, and the concern is the damage to my bone marrow, heart and liver might be to the point where we should stop.
The thought to continue on with the sixth chemo is that we want to make sure we have zapped all the cancer that might be anywhere. I think we have.
So, please pray for discernment for Dr. M and me, that the decision made will be the one that leads down God's path of healing.