Thursday, December 9, 2010

This makes me happy....

Dear Mrs. Sitz’s Third Grade Class,

Hello to each and every one of you, all 17 of you!

You were so kind to write out 33 messages to make me feel better, one for each radiation treatment. Thank you!

I go to the hospital every day to get radiation treatment (like strong, strong rays of sunshine). This is the final step in my healing from breast cancer, and I am so glad it is working.

Your messages about what makes you happy caused me to stop and think, WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY?  I like to sit in a chair and just think sometimes, so I have been thinking about this today. I sit in a chair outside (if it isn’t too hot or too cold) and drink a cup of green tea, and think.

I thought up 17 things that make me happy, now how did I come up with that number?

I hope you each had a fun Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful to you for making me smile.

All the best, Sara Whiting

This makes me happy….

1. Knowing that God loves me. He loves all of us.

2. Being with my loving husband Mike. We met in college (at Princeton) and got married three weeks after graduating. We both worked for Dow Chemical in Texas at first, building chemical plants that make plastics. Then we moved to Florida. He works building electric power plants.

3. Spending time with my younger son Corey. He is in college at UCF studying Computer Programming. I particularly love when he comes to the house and we do yoga together.

4. Visiting with my older son Mack and my daughter-in-law Tray. They live in Asheville NC so I don’t see them too often right now. He is in college studying Chemistry. She is studying to be a nurse.

5. Talking with my friends. I am so lucky to have some really good friends who come to the house to visit, or who meet me for lunch at PF Changs or coffee at Starbucks, or who go for a walk with me.

6. Reading a book (I’m reading Freedom by Jon Franzen now)

7.  Writing on my IPAD or laptop computer.

8. Singing anywhere (I like Trace Adkins and Carrie Underwood and Black Eyed Peas and Bob Marley and Elton John and Coldplay and Casting Crowns and Usher and, well, lots of singers!)

9. Playing tennis

10. Playing golf

11. Cooking. I love to cook. I just made Black Bean Soup and Bruschetta (garlic toast with fresh tomato, basil, onion on it).  Yesterday I made a strawberry pie.

12. Sitting on my porch looking at the lake, and thinking

13. Working at the baseball league. I help run a college summer baseball league.

14. Walking my dog in our neighborhood. She’s a basset hound, named Sporty.

15. Playing games, like Scrabble or Blokus or card games.

16. Traveling. I love to see new places. Some of my favorites are Ireland (loved the golf, sheep, and music), Costa Rica (hermit crabs on the beach!), Jamaica (beautiful mountains dropping straight down to white sand beaches), Sun Valley Idaho (desert mountains, spectacular views), Italy (great food and art!).

17. Thanking people.  Each of you took time and thought to write to me and cheer me up. It makes me so happy to think of that, and to thank you!