Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Flamingal Forest

Returned from lunch right before Chemo #5 and found a Flamingal Forest lining both sides of our driveway.  HOW CRAZY IS THAT!

Whoever did this, you got nothing but basket...

You know how to put a smile on someone's face, and spark laughs and giggles.  I couldn't resist walking around in them. I'm going to keep them up for awhile, they bring some snappy color to the house as I have neglected our summer-beaten-down annuals.

Every kindness that has happened today and yesterday - kindnesses from friends, lunches, flamingos, dinners, mall walks, phone calls and emails and prayers prayers prayers - has made today the best chemo ever. I was peaceful this morning, had a good conversation with Dr. M.  I had five questions written down and we covered them all. I was still the last patient done with chemo (I'm a slow dripper), but I am used to that now. And I listened to a healing meditation while getting chemo, by Bernie Siegel, just so relaxing.  I love visualizing the chemo working, my body healing.

Off to lie down and smile over today. Life is beautiful.

PS did you get it, Flamingos are PINK!!!!