Thursday, September 23, 2010

Email responses

 Hi Sara - go you! #5 kicked to the curb with just one more! You are amazing....keep up the great words, thoughts and take care of yourself - we are praying for you every day and you are not even close to alone in this fight - hang in there!
There has never even been one nanosecond in my mind that you couldn't do this also.  You are SO SURVIVING.  With everyone around to lean on for strength, and for God's strength, oohyeah!  Will pray for your remainder of the week to go quickly and with great healing hands with you every minute!
To be honest, your e-mail made me cry this AM.  I am praying for you, as you would like.  Your optimism makes me feel better.  Isn't it always nice that we can think about something else, i.e. the street lights.  At least for a second to give our mind a break from our worries.
Praying for you.  I think the issue with the street lights is due to Mike's electrifying personality.   Love you, health just keeps coming towards you.
You continue in my prayers and thoughts.  U and I were talking about you and Mike last evening.  I am sure you felt our good thoughts and words coming your way.  Your strength, focus on the positive and faith will get you through #5, and your family and friends will make it all easier.   And you have ONLY ONE LEFT!!

Bravery and positive thinking,   Two things that I am sure have and will continue to get you through with flying colors to beat the cancer out of every single place it may want to hide or stay.
 My prayers and all good thoughts are with you today Sara and may the grace of God and peace of God that surpasses all of our understanding, be with you throughout the day and provide you with that inner peace that will see you through it all.......
Here's a photo of a labyrinth newly created in a dear friend's yard in CT. She walked it lifting me up for healing!
(commenting on Mike putting out street lights) My first guess is that Mike is so full of (God's) light, he doesn't need electricity! :)
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
 I will be diligent in keeping you in my prayers -- thereby keeping you forefront in God's heart.
We're praying for you and you'll do GREAT!!!
Your strength and spirits sound UP!  
I love the 23 Psalm. It has always been one of my favorites since a very young age.  I hope our sons have committed it to memory but I don't think they had to memorize as we did at an early age. (Test them - LOL) Your comments about it are perfect!  We are praying for you and Mike.
I am praying for you both right now – LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I have been praying for you today and then so enjoyed getting your email.   God definitely has a plan for you to do awesome things!
I now know specifically what prayers are needed for you and Mike which always makes it a bit more personal to me...God already knows  : )  .  I do hope that you have a much easier time with your chemo.
Just a note to say we are thinking of you.  Yesterday we were in church.  Our youngest son E was with us, he is 8 years old.  I remember when I was diagnosed with cancer I felt very emotional in church as I felt such a strong peace that God truly had His arms around me.  E spent about 5 extra minutes on his knees after communion.    After church I asked him if he was praying for his grandmother (who was with us and has a chronic illness) the whole time.  He said "no, other people too, like Sara Whiting".  
Your name came up during a conversation between friends at the beach recently and I wanted to send you a note and let you know you are in our prayers for a speedy recovery!!!
I hope yesterday’s chemo #5 went well and please know that I’m thinking about you and praying for nos. 1, 2 and 3 on your email yesterday!!!  I know in my heart that the chemo is doing its job and that God is protecting your bone marrow, nervous system and heart!!!  I’ll be lifting you and Mike up to Him today and every day until you’re well!! 
I know you are putting up a fierce battle when you are not around, and I know when you reach that finish line, it will be one of the most glorious days of your life.
In my crazy brain I have a jillion random sentences for you, that I have yet to pen.Here is one, After reading, actually, while reading one of your blog posts the Lord had me singing the song " I need Thee every hour" an old and simple hymn that speaks of our need for Him.
I see the Holy Spirit imparting His peace, courage and strength to you. Such a lovely way to bring Him glory.
First I had a dream about you last night.  I don't know what it was, but it was long and we spent so much time together.  I can't help but think it's because you are on my mind and your name is on the white board I have in my office that helps me be a little more organized with my prayers.   
On the flamingos:
HOW CUTE!  I say leave them up so you can smile every time you come home.
Lunch was fun and you look wonderful. 
WOW – I love it.  Just make sure that they don’t leave too much “Flamingo Dirt” on the lawn….it is heck getting it off the espadrilles!

I'm so glad to hear you are through with CHEMO #5.  I continue to pray for you and Mike and know in my heart that you will be okay.  I believe you will be healed of this disease.  I believe the love you and Mike have for each other and the love you have of the Lord will get you through anything. 
It sounds like you have quite a few friends who keep you active.  You are indeed a blessed woman.  I agree with you on the 23rd Psalm.  It is actually the first thing I memorized from the Bible.
Any way, you and Mike take care of yourselves and each other and I will keep you both in my prayers.  May God be with you and Bless you Always!