Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Faith - certain of what we do not see

What is faith?

Think of this in a Christian sense, and also in an everyday secular sense.

We all seem to think we want it, if we stop and think about it. It is a positive thing. But what exactly is it we want?

What is faith?
And what is worth having faith in?

Faith in the covenant of marriage?
Faith in God and His promises?
Faith in the law of gravity?
Faith that the sun will shine on our world tomorrow?

Here's the verse from Hebrews I have loved since high school that sheds light on Faith. My two go-to chapters in the bible of all time, for all occasions, are Hebrews 11 and 12.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for a certain of what we do not see. 

Here is the dictionary definition of faith:
1. allegiance, loyalty 
2. belief in the doctrines of a religion, firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete trust
3. something that is believed especially with strong conviction.
Throughout my Healing Adventure, which started way back in mid-April (five months ago, and still ticking), I have had the hope that I would be thoroughly healed from the cancer that had invaded  my healthy body. That God would be there with me, and we would make it through. Also, I have had the hope that I would overall be super healthy for the rest of my life, and that through this process of healing, goodness of some sort, of many sorts, would be part of the end results. These were my very general hopes.

As you know, I have had some very specific prayer requests along the way, you patient and loyal friends.

So these are my hopes, I haven't struggled finding hopes. It is for my faith that I have depended on you all, and on God, to keep strong. To increase. During all this. I have had moments, and days, when I had doubts in my faith that I would be healed. You all have carried me through, though you might not know it.  Carried me with your faith, your hope, your positive words and love. You are my cloud of witnesses, right here today!

For some of the prayer requests, for some of the hopes, you do see instant results. This really helps feed faith. May we all have eyes to see God's working in our lives!

I have seen evidence of all things working for good these days. Many evidences. I see it in the faces of you I love, in the laughter and good wishes of you I treasure. I see it in the e-mails and the sharing of stories. I see it in the four scars from surgeries/ biopsies since April. I see it in the sinus infection that went away, and in the goodness that I have been on time for the past five chemos, not hospitalized because of chemo. I see it in the bouquet composed of your acts of kindness. I see it in the people He has brought to me, each in a different way at a different time, to literally shower me with His grace. I see God's love and power everywhere. And this only makes me more certain of the gift of healing.

God is healing me, this I know.

I am trying to cooperate, this I will do.

I have a long life of living in His presence ahead of me, this I am excited about!

I thank God for all the answered prayers I have seen evidence of.

The ones I haven't seen proof of yet, I thank Him for those too.

Faith means I don't have to see the evidence to know they are answered.

Another little one - My blood pressure is usually okay to low (max 100/50). The first four chemos it was high for me (140's/ 120's). They weren't worried as I was on Dexamethasone, a steroid which they said raised blood pressure, plus isn't getting chemo in fifteen minutes something that could raise a person's anxiety level? Well, yesterday, at Chemo #5 I was 128/68. Still very high for me, I was still on the Dexamethasone and no, didn't take a tranquilizer.  It was God's peace. Your prayers, your presence, your laughter, your compassion, all showering me with God's peace. It definitely passes all understanding. I don't understand it, but I'm going with it!