Monday, August 23, 2010


Had another biopsy today.

I am positive it is nothing.

But I am really going to be happy to hear that news from the Dr. when she calls later this week to tell me the biopsy says it is nothing.

What does that say about my faith? Is it still strong?

I think of Reagan's quote, used so often by us moms raising teenagers - Trust, yet verify.

By mistake, D and S went to lunch with me today. We had planned on next Monday, and one of us thought it was this Monday, so when she e-mailed to confirm, we all were free today, so we went out today too.

Which was really convenient, really really convenient. Mike was to take me to the biopsy, and he had crisis at work, so I needed someone to take me at the last minute. You want someone to take you that you feel completely comfortable with. They inject lidocaine so it doesn't hurt when they do the biopsy, but the lidocaine injection hurts. And you just are a little shaky about the whole procedure. How could I have planned this better? THANK YOU GOD!

The Dr. looked at me, checked her notes and thought that the rash today was much smaller, much lighter in color, not as swollen at all, and if she hadn't seen me two weeks ago, she wouldn't do a biopsy on this today. But since she saw it two weeks ago quite red and swollen, quite a large red swollen rash (orange peel?) and to give us all peace of mind, she did one.

They are concerned about Inflammatory Breast Cancer. It doesn't show as a lump, it shows as swollen lymph vessels in the breast. Inflamed. Often misdiagnosed as mastitis (infection in the breast.) Very aggressive, grows as a sheet under the skin. Can't see it on mammograms. Only diagnosed by biopsy. So a biopsy we will do. 

God is good, all the time.