Thursday, August 19, 2010

Set your mind on things above

Colossians 3:
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Philippians 4:
(Follows the "do not be anxious" verses)
Finally, brothers,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—

think about such things.

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—
put it into practice.

And the God of peace will be with you.


Been spending a lot of time thinking. Reflecting. The life of the mind.

It's an interesting phenomenon, how each of us can distract our own attention by social activity or turning on the television. We can go through a whole day and not have very many thoughts of our own.

Wake up - IPOD's on with music. Mind is thinking of what to make for breakfast. Then boom, pick up the remote control and turn on the television. Walk into the bathroom, boom there's a second television turned on. Go into the kitchen for breakfast, pick up the newspaper, turn on the laptop, or boom, another television. The brain, and the spirit, are getting bombarded with outside thoughts and images. And how neat if you pick up your daily devotional and go to the date, read it out loud to everyone, quick prayer and run out the door to the car, where the radio goes on immediately. In your mind, you are listing the things you need to not forget to do that day.

For me, in the above scenario, I can barely hear my own thoughts.   I wouldn't be able to hear anything God was saying, even if He were yelling, so certainly not a whisper.

So now, with a much quieter, gentler pace, and we don't turn on televisions until late afternoon or evening anyway, I am hearing more of my own thoughts. I know I want to keep them positive. Sometimes it is difficult to keep your thoughts positive when you are physically hurting, or scared.

What is keeping me positive?

It is so important to me to know I have friends and family who are praying for me. Who want the best for me. Who love me. That to me is the most important thing. I draw on your faith in my healing and your love and the multitude of ways you have shown you are walking this with me. Phrases from cards and e-mails and voice mails bubble up -

-- We are not quitters
-- I don't know of anyone better to do this than you
-- Some days there won't be a song. Sing anyway!
-- Grip our Lord's hand tightly
-- Lean on God now with all your strength, He will carry you
-- Gute Besserung
-- Make no mistake about it, you will beat this!
-- This is a pothole, you can't get around it but you will plow through it.
-- We're gonna be really cool old ladies!
-- You are cared about more than you realize.

I trust God, and accept He has healed me and the process is in motion. The chemo drugs are little tornadoes that scour my body looking for and smashing to pieces any cancer cells.

I have another biopsy on Monday, which I already know God has dealt with. Please pray for me for Monday, for Dr. R who will do the biopsy, and for complete healing! THANK YOU!

Back to positive thoughts, which goes right to the phrase that hit me early on in this adventure- Feed the faith and starve the doubt. Positive thoughts. I have no appetite for crime shows on television any more. Used to love an episode of Law and Order or Numbers. Entourage and Mad Men used to be recorded and watched, but either I have changed or they have changed. I watched an episode of Entourage and it was disgusting. Mad Men is so sad and dark.

You know what I love. Seinfeld. Its a tradition now. We have dinner and maybe take our Basset Hound on a little stroll around the block. Then back to the air conditioning to read, play Scrabble or Blokus on the IPAD. Then the cup of Chamomile tea, and an episode or two of Seinfeld. I love them. Even when I know what is going to happen, they make me laugh.

I asked at lunch two weeks ago, what songs did people play to make them happy, and the winners are:

Its a Wonderful World (Louie Armstrong)
I'm Yours (Jack Johnson)
Celebrate Good Times
Can't Live Without You
For All We Know
Jersey Boys
Vivaldi Four Seasons
500 Miles (the Proclaimers)

As for me, what songs are my playlist of what I play when I need a boost towards the positive?

Lifesong, and Father Spirit Jesus - Casting Crowns
Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
Amazing - Seal
Made to Love - TobyMac
Where the Streets have no name and Beautiful Day and Magnificent - U2
Walking on Sunshine - KC
Here Comes the Sun - Beatles
On the Beach- Chris Rhea

Positive thoughts.

-- Reading Your Healing is Within You, by Jim Glennon. Mike read this over and over years ago when he was diagnosed with lymphoma. It is a book to read over and over. -I'm reading a Henri Nouwen daily devotional. And a Sarah Young devotional.

-- Hebrews 11 and 12, this has been my go-to part of the bible since high school. They all had faith. They were "in it to win it". They kept their eyes fixed on Jesus. And on our God, the consuming fire, the God whose kingdom can not be shaken.

-- Centering Prayer. Ever heard of this? Praying without words so much, listening and just being with God.

-- Funny movies. Johnny Depp's Don Juan de Marco and Benny and Joon, Somethings Gotta Give, Animal House.

-- Redirect my thoughts. Whenever a negative thought, a doubt comes across my consciousness, grab it and lift it up to Jesus. He will take it away. Then I grab onto His hand.

I know it is the Holy Spirit in me that will guide my thoughts. I pray that they always be certain on the healing issue. I pray to increase my belief in my healing. I pray to keep me focused on Jesus. I know I cannot do any of this on my own, but I can do all of it through Him.

Off to mall walk.

Making sure that all day long, I keep my mind focused on Jesus and on things above. Be in the world, but not of the world.. One day at a time!

Romans 12:
And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is
and acceptable
and perfect.